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Important tips for locals transportation in Jamaica

Writer's picture: נטע גלעיןנטע גלעין

If you want to get the real local experience, I truly recommend you to try traveling with public transportation, it’s a wonderful way to explore and see the beauty of the island. And don’t you worry, the public transportation is available everywhere around the island, and you will be able to get to any small and remoted places you wish to visit.

There are different types of transportation, and each one of them is working on a bit of different routes. There is quite a variety when it comes to options from Public buses to private taxis, with minibuses and route taxis in between.

I Wanted to make life easier so I decided to create this poster showing the main difference between the types of public transportation.


Type of vehicle | Big Yellow bus marked with Jamaica flag. Can accommodate up to 50 passengers.

Area of operation | Only operate in main big cities like: Kingston, Ocho Rios, Montego Bay and more.. These buses stop only at official bus stop and not based on passenger’s request.

Time of Operation | Operate based on a set time table, on holiday or special days these buses don’t operate as usual and it’s recommended to not count on their service.

Fare | Start from JMD 100 $ but students, children, disabled passengers and pensioners pay discounted prices.


Type of vehicle | Private minibuses, also known as coasters, can accommodate up to 30 seats but usually is overpacked with passengers.

Area of operation | Operate In main cities and communities island-wide. You can stop the bus anywhere on their route, no official stops.

Time of Operation | Don’t operate on a set timetables, and depart from their point of origin only when they’re full. They will operate in major route even on holidays.

Fare | Fare depending on the route you take passenger final stop, They charged based on J$100 per 50km.


Type of vehicle | Private tourist taxis, available in any type and size.

Area of operation | Provide transportation to excursions, airport transfers and sightseeing, and based on request.

Time of Operation | Based on requirement of passenger \ agreement with tour company Fare | Fares are much more costly and its recommended to agree on a price before getting in the taxi. Prices can be quoted in both, Jamaican or US Dollars.


Type of vehicle | Private vehicle with Route taxis sticker (black and white) on the sides. Keep in mind that your driver will pick up others along the way until the car is completely full.

Area of operation | They reach every part of the country, and usually pick up as many people as they can squeeze on their specified routes and stop frequently.

Time of Operation | Depending on the route, but usually start in the early morning hours.

Fare | Fare starts form J$100 for every 5 miles or so and about J$150 to J$250 per 50km.


Type of vehicle | Big comfortable, air-conditioned buses of about 50 seat and offers comforts and Wi-fi.

Area of operation | Only stop in official station in main cities around the island.

Time of Operation | Operate based on a set timetable provided In the website.

Fare | price varies according to route but over J$500.

Let me know In the comment if this blog was useful, and if you have anymore tips….

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